Saturday, March 20, 2010

Organic does not have to mean expensive.

Dear Laura,
It has come to my attention that lately you have been struggling to stay fit and to stay away from eating fast food because it is the cheapest food out there. Then let me ask you one thing, what do you think about junk food? Chris O’Brien would say, “The journey of a thousand pounds begins with a single burger.” Or Roger von Oech would argue, "I don't like to eat snails. I prefer fast food." I’m writing this letter to help you improve your eating habits. I am going to teach you how you can get organic food that you can afforded and food that will allow you to stay in shape and to stop eating that disgusting “food” that we call fast food or junk food or from buying evil corporation’s food.
To begin with, to be able to buy good and cheap organic food you have to drive out of NYC. Most of the food that is offered in NYC’s markets is this lab-produced food that is very bad for your health because of the amount of chemicals corporations use to make your fruits, vegetables and meat bigger, fasters and cheaper. Consequently, Fast food and the food produced by corporations could affect your health very seriously to the point where many kids and adults are getting illness such as Diabetes, Arthritis, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Heart Disease and many other more just from eating this food. However, I have found a place where you could drive and get “honest” products that are made in real farms, not in labs like corporation’s products, by real farmers and the only “chemical” they use to harvest their crops is love. The place is located in New Castle, Delaware and is call farmers market. This place is like a big mall full of all kind of organic food that is made in the farms around the area, this food is as cheap or maybe cheaper than the food you get here in the city at the supermarkets with the difference that this is real healthy food made with no chemicals. So, by making this 3-hour drive you will be eating cheap organic food that is not going to make you sick and will allow you to stay on shape and who knows maybe even save some money because in Delaware you do not have pay taxes.
In case you don’t want to make the 3 hours round trip drive, buying organic food online will also allow you to eat cheap organic food, to stay in shape and not to exceed your budget. Many people in the world are staring to use the Internet for everything even for buying food. It may be a benefit because some times stuff online is cheaper than buying it in the stores and it is also much quicker to do. So I found a website call, in this place you can find anything from butter, milk and steak to pet food and cleaning supplies. This place allows you to buy your groceries using your credit or debit card and the only thing you have to do is write down your address. They will deliver your food within 3 days to the front of your door. As a result of this, you will not only be saving money buying organic food online but you will also save time.
To sum up, eating fast food or Evil Corporation’s food will not allow you to stay fit and it is definitely not healthy at all. So by either making a 3 hours drive or just buying online your organic food will be improve your life style by staying away from all the diseases that you could get from consuming the wrong kind of food.

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